Please feel free to fill out the contact form with any questions you may have.
Deshka Landing
29691 W. Deshka Landing Rd., Willow, Alaska 99688
Phone: 907.495.3374
Fax: 907.495.3375
Mailing Address: Deshka Landing Outdoor Associtation
P.O. Box 155
Willow, Alaska 99688
current weather
From Anchorage/Eagle River:
1. Take the Glenn Highway to Wasilla, then North on the Parks Highway to Willow.
2. Continue North on the Parks Highway to 70.8 mile (State DOT sign announces the Deshka Landing turn).
3. Turn West (left) off the Parks Highway approx. (70.8mile) onto Willow Creek Parkway. (This road also runs to the Willow Creek State Recreation Site).
4. Continue on Willow Creek Parkway (about 1.9 miles) to the first asphalt road (Crystal Lake Road).
5. Turn left onto Crystal Lake Road and continue (about 2.3 miles) on the asphalt to Mishap Road.
6. Turn right on Mishap Road (Follow the State DOT sign) to Deshka Landing (about 2.7 miles).
From Fairbanks:
1. South on Parks Highway after crossing Willow Creek (71.5 mile) watch for the Deshka Landing Sign.
2. Turn right onto Willow Creek Parkway (about 1.9 miles) to Crystal Lake Road.
3. Turn left onto Crystal Lake Road and continue on the asphalt (about 2.3 miles) to Mishap Road.
4. Turn right on Mishap Road (Follow the State DOT sign) to Deshka Landing (about 2.7 miles).